Word Safari

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What it is: Word Safari is an entertaining little game where students can enter and practice their spelling words.  Kids can practice seven spelling words at a time by entering any seven of their spelling words.  Students can choose from three difficulty levels for their game (this just speeds up the letters).  The game puts students in a jungle.  Their character is holding onto balloons and floating through the air.  The target spelling word is in the upper left hand corner of the screen.  As the character floats through the air, letters pass by.  The goal is to “run” into the letters needed to spell the spelling word by moving the character into the letters.

How to integrate Word Safari into the classroom: While I don’t think this game could be used as the sole method for learning spelling words, it does provide students with extra exposure to their spelling words and that is always a good thing!  This little game would make a great spelling center in the classroom.  Students could take turns at the center playing Word Safari once through.  Send the Word Safari URL home with students so that they can play at home.  Parents are always looking for fun ways to get in a little extra spelling practice.

Tips: Another great site from my PLN on Twitter, I don’t remember who originated the tweet because their were several re-tweets.  So, thank you to all for this fun spelling practice site!

Related Resources: Spelling City, Spelling Wizard, Spellitis

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Word Safari Typing in your classroom.