Sixteen Option Spinner

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What it is: The Sixteen Option Spinner is another winner from Triptico.  This online spinner lets you customize it with sixteen options.  The spinner is random and removes the option once it has been landed on.

How to integrate Sixteen Option Spinner into the classroom: The Sixteen Option Spinner is perfect for a projector or interactive whiteboard.  Use the spinner to customize class games, to choose a story starter for writing, to teach probability, to choose a math operation for students to perform, to select a landmark that students find on a map, or to choose a reading comprehension question for students to answer.  You could also use the Sixteen Option Spinner to enter student names and spin the spinner to choose who will answer a question next or use it as a motivational tool and add names throughout the day with a winner randomly selected at the end of the day.

Tips: Triptico has other customizable spinners, choose the spinner that best fits your activity needs.  Four Option Spinner, Probability Spinner (This one automatically records the results as students spin.), Eight Option Spinner, Role Chooser, Eight Number Spinner (not customizable).

Leave a comment and tell us how you are using Triptico Spinners  in your classroom.