Edublog Award Nominations 2009

The 2009 Edublog Awards

After digging through 60+ feeds in my RSS reader, I have finally narrowed down my nominations for this years Edublog Awards.  It is getting harder and harder to choose my favorites!

Best individual blogOnce Upon a Teacher because like Melanie, I am addicted to learning.
Best individual tweeterShelly Terrell because she is always tweeting and retweeting awesome resources for education and keeps the conversation going!
Best new blog- Favorite Parent because all parents should be armed with the power to make the school experience the best it can be.
Best class blogMiss McMillan’s Blog because of the ways that she engages her students with technology and love.
Best student blogEDucation ToGoBox because what is better than students recommending edtech?
Best resource sharing blog – Aside from iLearn Technology 🙂 Free Tech for Teachers is a must!  Great resources, especially beneficial for middle and high school.
Most influential blog postRandom Musings because of Mike’s insightful look on education and the changes that must come.

Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion– Hands down Steven Anderson for keeping us all thinking, learning, and involved in change.

Best teacher blog- Math Models– Excellent ideas for the math classroom with step by step application.

Best educational tech support blog edu.Mac.nation because they understand the genius of Mac and spread that joy around.

Best Library/Librarian blog- TLC = Tech + Library + Classroom because it is an excellent look at books, technology, and learning.
Best elearning / corporate education blog- Love Learning because it is an excellent look at multisensory strategies to reach every child.

Best educational use of audioCool Teachers Podcast because Chris always teaches me something new.

Lifetime achievement 2 cents worth by David Warlick. Have loved reading since I broke into edtech.