

What it is: Ecybermission is a free, web-based science, math, and technology competition for students in sixth through ninth grade sponsored by the US Army.  Students compete in regional and national awards by working to solve problems in their community.  The goal of the competition is to help students understand how science, math, and technology work in the world today.  Each team needs 3 or 4 student members.  The team members must register and join the team by December 18, 2009.  Each team also needs 1 adviser this could be a teacher, coach, club leader, etc that is at least 21 years old.  There are four mission challenges that a team can choose from: sports and recreation, 2009-2010 scenario challenge, environment, or health and safety.  Students will research the problem they are seeking to address, write a hypothesis, and conduct experiments.  An online Team-Talk allows students to meet with each other online using discussion forums, chat rooms, and instant messaging.  Students can answer questions in an online mission folder that allows them to attach files such as photographs, survey questions, or a website.  At the end of the competion the mission folder is submited (before February 26, 2010).

How to integrate Ecybermission into the classroom: Why not make Ecybermission a portion of your schools science fair?  Students could gather into teams competing in the competion, solving real-world problems.  My guess is that this competition would be a much richer learning experience than the typical volcanoes, and planet mobiles that usually show up to science fairs.  As students work to solve a problem, they will build communication, collaboration, innovation, critical thinking and scientific process skills.

Tips: Get your students signed up today, registration is open from now until December 18, 2009.  I would think the more time you can provide your students the better! Need an added bonus?  Any team that registers with Ecybermission gets Brian Pop for free!


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